Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sir, What Was Better Live?

Sigh, you have much to learn, Padawan. What- is any live event, big or small, momentous or infinitesimal. Using the phrase "It was better live" is the bragging rights, the "I was there, and you weren't", the time you met Ricky Gervais or the Halloween when Paul drunkenly dive-bombed out of a tree and broke his arm. It is the raison d'ĂȘtre for name-droppers, travelers, and news reporters alike, and my excuse to be an asshole any time a popular song comes on the radio. If I have seen the artist live, you damn well better believe you'll hear about it. If you talk about a painting and I have seen the original, I will talk about the brush strokes and atmosphere of the museum. If you bring up the pandas in Washington, D.C.... I haven't seen them yet, but once I do I'll make sure to tell you how cute they were, what they were eating, and if the experience was worth it.

And that's the most important part: I am being an asshole, but I am also serving the role of critic. My irritating antics of self-aggrandizment come not only with a headache, but with a recommendation. Trick-or-treating at the embassies in our nations capital? Skip it.

The best part of that day- Meeting Jose, the future president of Paraguay, in drag

Seeing Sondre Lerche at the 9:30 Club? A must, and I'm sure it doesn't matter where you see him. You get the point.

The cutest elf in all the land- Sondre Lerche at the 9:30 Club

This blog is a celebration of the wonderful- events that I witness, movies I watch, musicians I see perform, places I go... and so on. I hope to encourage wary readers to go do things for the sake of doing them, to broaden horizons, to have a good time, and if that doesn't happen, at least have a good story to report back with.

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