Monday, June 7, 2010

Bench Lovin'

Today during work I went looking for a bench to sit on and eat my lunch and I found a very awkwardly positioned seat on the corner of Ashland and Pine near the Mercer Museum.  

It was donated by the local VFW, and based on the plaque, I would assume in 2005. 
“Well,” I thought, “Some money was spent on this bench, I had better sit on it.  Maybe give it some satisfaction.”  So sit I did, rather enjoying the awkward looks from the drivers lining up at the stop sign.  They stared at me, I stared at them.  I munched thoughtfully on my delicious turkey sandwich (beautiful in its simplicity) until I saw this:

She learned how to dress watching Jim Carrey's Riddler from Batman Forever.

I rather adore strange outfits, even more so when the person enveloped in the odd garment struts about like not a thing is amiss.  I suppose I could have been bolder about taking a picture, but I was terrified she would lunge at my throat, or worse, criticize my outfit.  Seeing it live has its dangers, my friends.

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