Monday, June 7, 2010

100 Years of Progress

The Mercer Museum sans original lobby.

The Mercer Museum is currently under construction!  Technically, not the museum proper, but the front lobby (constructed in the 1970’s) has been stripped away and is being replaced by a grander, modern entrance way.  The bigger entrance will also hold traveling exhibits.  

A picture of the picture of the projected entrance.  I could have copied and pasted a better jpeg, but I was playing with my phone today.

Two thoughts- one, the mercer museum holds thousands of articles, all old tools.  The main building, built in 1916 (or something close, damn I’m good at my job) is concrete and looks like a castle.  The projected plans for the new entrance look nothing like a castle, and is mainly built of steel and glass.  I feel that something will be lost in the transition from entranceway to museum. 

On the other hand, Mercer was an innovator (the first to build with concrete) and had an aptitude and eye for new technology.  So if the entranceway is going to be modern, make it modern, man!  Add some whirly-gigs and whatsits to drum up attention and continue in the true Mercer spirit.  Apparently, it will have grass on the roof.  That’s… interesting.  I mean, grass is everywhere, so why not on the top of a building?  We’ll be seeing it live next Spring.  

Also, I discovered that my phone can do some pretty nifty things, namely shoot panoramas.  Samsung has a solid place in my heart.

Click the image for the full, mind-boggling effect.  Yes, behold the power of the Samsung Behold.

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