Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Malware Malfunction

I work at the front desk of the Mercer Museum.  I take people's money and answer the phone.  Generally, it's an easy job- it's leisurely and I get to read.  Except today, I was thrown a curveball in the form of a vicious Trojan virus.

It was hungry.

My reception computer was a juicy steak.

Isn't "extended pleasure" dependent on the wearer?

Before the museum opened its doors for visitors, I was lightly surfing the internet (as in, only two tabs open, no downloading, no power reloading) and ended up reading the instructions for installing Rosetta Stone on a Mac.  Keep in mind, no downloading.

I exited Internet Explorer and it suddenly became Internet Exploder.

"Need a light?"

Pop-up after pop-up ingloriously intruded on my "Vista Gateway" (not Windows Vista).  It got even more hilarious when Viagra ads made their debut in harmonious synchronization with the arrival of a group of retired Floridians.  I threw down my book and pounced on the computer mouse with the dexterity and grace of a retarded pelican and calmly welcomed them to the wonderful Mercer Museum.

And I thought my job was easy.  Phew.

Never fear, the tech guy managed to clear it up (reboot in safe mode, launch a couple sweep cleaners, one more reboot) and my job was saved.  By the way, I'm really not supposed to surf the internet using my work computer.  I now understand why.

p.s. I Google image searched "Trojan Condom" and was fearful of the results.  My eyes were spared.  Thank you, SafeSearch.

p.p.s. The infinite scroll on image searching... about damn time.  That's tight.

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